Hi All
I'm getting an error that says that this can't be converted to an integer.
Here is the line that gets the error.dt = ((DataView)(EventDataSource1.Select(dssa))).ToTable()
I have also tried. dt = (DataView)(EventDataSource1.Select(dssa);
I am programming in VB
here is teh rest of my code.
Dim EventDataSource1 As New SqlDataSource()
EventDataSource1.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ASPNETDBConnectionString").ToString
Dim dssa As New DataSourceSelectArguments()
Dim EventID As String = ""
Dim DataView = ""
Dim dt As New Data.DataTable
Dim conn As New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ASPNETDBConnectionString").ToString())
Dim cmd As New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("SELECT EventID FROM Event WHERE ([StartDate] = @.StartDate)", conn)
EventDataSource1.SelectCommand = ("SELECT EventID FROM Event WHERE ([StartDate] = @.StartDate)")
dt = ((DataView)(EventDataSource1.Select(dssa))).ToTable()
EventID = dt.Rows(0)(0).ToString()
EventID = cmd.ExecuteScalar()
Seems like you overdoing it. If all you want is the first row, first column value...try something like this.
Dim EventIDAs String =""Dim connAs New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("Connection String")Dim cmdAs New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("SELECT EventID FROM Event WHERE ([StartDate] = @.StartDate)", conn)'add parameters cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@.StartDate","01/01/2007"))'open connections cmd.Connection.Open()'get top row and column EventID = cmd.ExecuteScalar()'close connection cmd.Connection.Close()'clean up conn =Nothing cmd =Nothing
That's all? Wow thanks!!
Just out of interest, what would I change if I didn't want the first column?
|||here is a sample,Dim EventIDAs String Dim drAs SqlDataReaderDim connAs New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("Connection String")Dim cmdAs New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("SELECT EventID FROM Event WHERE ([StartDate] = @.StartDate)", conn)'add parameters cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@.StartDate","01/01/2007"))'open connections cmd.Connection.Open()'get entire dataset dr = cmd.ExecuteReaderWhile dr.Read()If IsDBNull(dr.Item("EventID")) =False Then EventID = (dr.Item("EventID"))End If'do whatever you want witht the dataEnd While'close dr dr.Close()'close connection cmd.Connection.Close()'clean up conn =Nothing cmd =Nothingjust remember to close the reader.|||Thanks again. Everything works great! YEEE HAAA!!!!
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