Sunday, March 25, 2012

Can't find rsactivate.exe

I've spent a few hours bashing my head into the wall - no matter what I install and uninstall, I can't seem to get setup to put the rsactivate.exe file into my sql server 2005 installation. Without this tool, I can't get sql reporting working. Can anyone tell me step by step what I need to do to get this tool installed?


rsactivate.exe does no longer exist and is no longer needed in RS 2005.

There is a new graphical configuration tool (Reporting Services Configuration Tool) and you can use rsconfig.exe / rskeymgmt.exe to configure the report server.

-- Robert


Thanks - now that I know that I managed to get my server set up, but the ReportServer virtual directory still returns this error:

Reporting Services Error

The report server has encountered a configuration error. See the report server log files for more information. (rsServerConfigurationError)|||

Most likely the account that is configured to run the RS Web service (typcially Network Service) does not have any file system permissions to access the installation directory and consequently cannot access the configuration file.

In general, setup would set the ACLs correctly on those folders. However, you mentioned that you ran through multiple install/uninstall cycles, so something with the ACLs may be messed up.

One approach you should try is to start the RS configuration tool, go the web service account and (re-)apply the account settings.

-- Robert


Looks like it was a conflict with sharepoint services. I found a KB article on this, and now everything seems to be resolved. I also found that I needed to run rskeymgmt -d to clear our the previously created keys before I could proceed.

Thanks for the help!


I have problems also with Reporting Server SQL 2005 reinstallation. I am using the configurer and have restarted the installation many times, deleting each time the bases and web sites.

When I start the navigator to reach http://localhost/report server, I receive the message that the access to the file intepub/wwwroot/web.config is refused

there no reason that this file be accedded for Report Server and I dont'know what to do to find a solution

Thanks to reply if you have any idea


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