Hello everybody
Had some problems yesterday with a full transaction log. Was able to solve it by following microsofts knowledge base article n 272318.
However, today I'm trying to create a new DB using the enterprise manager and get this error:
d:\databases\HERCULES_1_Data.MDF: Operating system error 112(Es steht nicht genug Speicherplatz auf dem Datentrger zur Verfgung.) encountered.
The free disk space is > 60GB. That's by far enough... I only need 1-2 GB.
Any ideas what's wrong here?
Thanks anyone in advance for some guideance.
RenaudAre you sure both the log and the data files were being created on D? How much space is left on your C drive?|||Yes, both files on D:\ but not created at all of course, because of the insufficient disk space error message.
However, on C:\ there's 1.6 GB left. But IMO this shouldn't matter and not be related to the error message, right?|||How are you trying to create this database? By a script, or by Enterprise Manager?|||I'm using the enterprise manager|||How big is your model database? It should be about 1 or 2 MB in size.|||According to the database properties, general tab, the model database is 1.25MB in size with 0.27MB of free space.|||huh... exec xp_fixeddrives tells me:
On C, 1395MB free space
On D, 1MB free space
How can I fix it?|||... and EXEC xp_cmdshell 'dir d:\' gives me back:
1.298.432 Bytes free
Opening a command line (DOS box) and entering "dir d:\" gives me back: Bytes free
?!?!?|||FOUND IT!! There were disk quotas activated on our SBS 2003 Server. Didn't realize that before. Seems to be a default setting when creating new user accounts on Windows. Our SQL Server runs under its own windows account. Wasn't aware of this, now I know better!
Thanks a lot for your help.
Renaud|||Thank you for reporting back the fix to a problem the rest of us may very well encounter.
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